
Be sure to visit this website for the product my dad invented...don't be afraid to buy some too,you'll love them!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Pregnancy

I loved being pregnant, every minute of it, even until the end. Don't get me wrong, there were times when I was just miserable with round ligament pain or on bedrest, but it was all overall enjoyable. I felt the baby move around 18 felt like blowing bubbles into a milkshake. I had my "official" ultrasound at 20 weeks and all was well..."IT" looked perfect. We were driving everyone crazy not finding out was "it" was....especially Grandmas, Aunt Sis, and Alexis! We got 4D ultrasound done on 3 different occasions but the little squirt always had its hands by its face so we couldn't get good pictures. Things were going well. Weight gain wasn't that great until the mid second trimester then I started packing on the weight. I couldn't figure out how I could gain so much weight in a short period of time (OK, I do admit I had an oatmeal cream pie kick there for awhile...but not enough to gain 4 pounds in 2 weeks)....Looking back now, I was really water logged!! Then at 35 weeks, post call, I had protein in my urine and the rest was long and drawn out. I had to collect my urine for 24 hours on several different occasions, take it to L&D triage and wait until my results came back. My first and second one was upper limits of "normal" so I still continued to work. My third one though, I was > 300 and so I got taken off work. This was at 35 1/2 weeks. Talk about boredom....My blood pressures were okay at home but high in the office....until 36 1/2 weeks. My blood pressures at home started creeping up. I had to go to the office to get blood pressure checks after that. Then I got a headache. Not my typical headaches/migraines though. This was different. The at the office my blood pressure was high so I got sent in for induction.

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